Community Outreach

Anaheim Toy Drive - December 2021

We partnered up with some Anaheim small businesses to hold a toy drive at Blvd Barbershop. The toy drive had a direct impact on the Anaheim community with the toys being donated to the Anaheim Autonomous Coalition and dispersed to children within the city.



Santa Ana Skate Jam - September 2021

We held another contest with this one taking place at Centennial Skate Park in Santa Ana with the help of some Santa Ana businesses.


Skate Back 2 School - August 2021

We teamed up with teachers and organizations in Santa Ana to distribute backpacks school supplies along with used clothes and skateboards at Mariposa Park near Garfield Elementary. The project was an initiative to get kids excited to go back to school with style.



Anaheim Skate Jam - July 2021

We hosted our first skate contest at Plastics Park in Anaheim along with some other local brands and the help of Programme Skate & Sound. This was our first big event since the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are looking forward to hosting more skate contests throughout Orange County.


Clothing Drive- November 2020

We teamed up with some other local brands to collect donated clothes and shoes to distribute to families living by Guinida Lane in Anaheim. We were able to aid families with clothing necessities for those that were heavily affected during the COVID-19 Pandemic.



Sleeping Bag Challenge - Winter 2018

As our first community outreach project, we raised over $400 through GoFundMe to pass out sleeping bags for those living on the streets of Orange County. We were able to supply 40 sleeping bags along with water and snacks. We were reminded that there are all types of people that are living without a roof over their heads as we distributed items not only to individuals, but families as well. For some people, homelessness is a choice, but for many others it is not.

We chose not to capture us distributing the items out of respect for people’s privacy.